Category: Academic

Q&A with Noam Chomsky

Check out this Q&A with Noam Chomsky – do you agree or disagree with his points?

If Life Were Like Phonology

If life were like phonology, we could say that today’s features included [rest], [yummy], and [happy]. We could say that we’re in the process of undergoing [knowledge] assimilation even though our “Netflix harmony” is pretty pervasive. We’ve also generally lost [free time] with the accumulation of [grad school applications], and [foot in mouth] can really take over conversations with our different “social classes”. Our most dominant feature, though, seems to be [enthusiasm], and it’s getting us by just fine.

Yeah, if life were like phonology.


There’s no such thing as bad grammar

Today we’re posting two images that joke about an integral part of linguistic analysis:  Being descriptive instead of prescriptive.
Hope your first day back is a blast!

The Verbatim Team